1. Stem Cells are cells that are found in all multi-cellular organisms. Stem cells have the ability to renew themselves through cell division and can differentiate into a variety of specialized cells. Dr. Ernest A. McCulloch and Dr. James E. Till were the first to start on human stem cell research in attempts to find new cures to diseases such as leukemia, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injuries, and muscle damage. Although this research was started purely to help advance the medical industry along with science, several U.S. Politicians along with many religious denominations are against “stem cell research”.
2. It is unethical to destroy embryos to simply obtain their blastocysts. I believe this is considered murder because the embryo had a potential for life. Due to the fact that there is no certainty that specialized cells generated from human stem cells can replace damaged or diseased cells people ask themselves what gives scientists the right to experiment with "human life". How long would it take to develop stem cell treatment should there be any? Embryos are human lives and therefore should be protected by the government. However, stem cell research is highly controversial since it has the potential to cure many diseases and save many lives but embryos are necessary for the experiment. One life for another? When exactly does life begin for a human being? Conservatives believe that it starts when the zygote is formed, but many liberals believe it starts until the ebryo is able to survive detached from it´s mother´s womb. I believe stem cell reseacrh to be highly unethical, no matter all the benefits it has, scientists are destroying a life that had potential.
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