We are looking at the same sky that existed thousands of years ago. Some of those stars are dead already but their light is still traveling the universe and getting to us. And some are born and their light has not gotten here yet. So, nobody knows how the sky really is. We study what we see, and what we see is not always what exists. Everything is transforming and will continue transforming, because matter is still the same that existed millions of years ago. So, it is true that when we look up at the night sky, in a way we are looking back in time. This applies to the novel because it demonstrates how we are eternal, because matter is simply trapped energy that cannot be either created or destroyed. Also, some truths are well beyond our reach. We can never trust what we see, because what we see might not even be there...like the night sky. We end up with the same question...where did the universe come from? And not knowing that answer makes it all more beautiful, because every individual has their own explanation.
Image: awinkandasmile.wordpress.com
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